Eat Like A Shaolin Monk With This Super Charged Breakfast!

The Shaolin Monk

Shaolin monks are some of the fiercest warriors to ever walk the planet. The development of the Shaolin Monk dates back thousands of years.  In fact, Shaolin Kung Fu is thought to first have begun in 495 A.D. in the Shaolin Temple of China.  Fast forward to the present day and you will still find Shaolin Monks practicing their craft.  Despite their rich background in martial arts, Shaolin Monks live a peaceful life and simple life.  Few will venture off into martial arts competitions in order to defend the Shaolin fighting style.

shaolin monk

However, most monks will spend their entire lives in the temple.  Only a select few will get to test their skills against other martial artists.  One must understand that Asia is deep rooted in martial arts and competitions are frequently held in order display all the different fighting styles of Chinese Martial Arts.  Many times the temple master will send the best fighters to competition in order to prove that Shaolin kung Fu is the best form of martial arts.  These competitions are fierce and electric.  Fighters are not only representing their style of fighting, but also the province in which they live.

Eight Treasures Congee

Everyday Shaolin Monks practice at least 2 hours of Kung Fu before taking on any other activities in the day.  They wake up at 5 A.M. every morning making sure to make the most of every minute.  Shaolin Monks believe one should eat most of their calories during the day and then taper off as evening sets in.  For this reason, their breakfast is typically very filling and very sustaining.  Research has shown that we do better eating most of our calories during the day as digestion slows at night.

shaolin monk

Everyday the breakfast of Shaolin Monks while practicing in the temple is the same.  The Breakfast goes by the name of Eight Treasures Congee and is soupy in appearanceHowever, make no doubt about it, this “soup” is hearty and a powerhouse of nutrition.  Each ingredient was carefully chosen by early Shaolin Monks in order to support their training and meditation practices to the fullest.  This breakfast sustains the monks all the way until late afternoon with boundless energy.

The Ingredients

  1. Brown Rice (100g)
  2. Yi Yi Ren (60g)
  3. Sunflower Seeds (20g)
  4. Lotus Seeds (60g)
  5. Mung Beans (40g)
  6. Black Beans (40g)
  7. Chinese Red Date (10 pieces)
  8. Goji Berry (10 pieces)
  9. Rock Sugar (optional)


The Recipe

Step 1:

Place ingredient 1 (black beans) into a large pot.  Next, Place ingredients 2 through 6 into a large separate pot.  Fill both pots with water until all ingredients are covered.  Let ingredients soak for at least 12 hours (overnight works best).

Step 2:

After soaking for 12 hours, drain liquid off both pots and rinse ingredients.  Get a pot big enough to hold all ingredients and add 2 liters of water.  Bring to a boil and then add the black beans.  Boil black beans for 1 hour.  Then add the rest the ingredients (except goji berries and Chinese red date) and boil for another hour.  In total, you will be boiling the Congee for 2 hours.

Step 3:

Add goji berries and Chinese red date into mixture. Mix well. Top with optional rock sugar or spice. Enjoy!

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