adrenal fatigue

Adrenal Fatigue: Five Sure Ways To Regenerate The Adrenals Naturally

What Is Adrenal Fatigue?

The Adrenals are two small glands that sit right above your kidneys.  These glands are responsible for the production of vital hormones required for good health.  When the Adrenal Glands are not working properly, we will not produce the hormones needed for day to day activities.  This can lead to a whole host of problems such as fatigue, depression, and brain fog. This results in a low quality of living. Luckily there are steps in which you can take to protect yourself against adrenal exhaustion, as well as aid in the regeneration of burnt adrenals.  Check out these five easy steps for solid adrenal health!

adrenal fatigue

1. Sea Salt

Sea salt is by far one of best things you can incorporate into your diet for overall health.  The body requires salt.  Many of us have been brainwashed into believing that salt is bad.  This is because Table salt (NaCl) is pure poison.  It has been stripped of everything but the sodium chloride.  Real Salt is full of vital minerals that restore life to a DE-mineralized body.  Those with adrenal issues often are deficient in key minerals such as magnesium, potassium and calcium.  Sea salt contains every mineral needed by the human body.  It reduces stress levels and brings balance back to the body.

How to Incorporate:

Simply place a salt crystal on your tongue until it dissolves.  Once dissolved, drink 16 oz of quality water.  Repeat this process three times a day.  This will insure you are staying hydrated and mineralizing your body throughout the day.

2. Licorice Root (Glycyrrhiza Uralensis):

Licorice is an adaptogenic herb used widely in Traditional Chinese Medicine.  Its many uses make it a staple in most Chinese medicine formulas.  Licorice Root contains DHEA which is normally produced by the adrenals.  When Adrenals are not working properly, they will stop producing this vital hormone.  This is why licorice is so beneficial for conditions such as adrenal fatigue.

It’s extremely sweet in flavor.  Luckily, licorice contains zero sugar and makes a great prebiotic of the microbes in your gut.  Like all herbs, Licorice Root works on many parts of the body synergistically. As well as being great for the adrenals, It also helps repair the gut wall and gut flora.  This leads to better health!  It contains over 400 phytochemicals which help aid in regeneration.

How To Incorporate:

Incorporate 1 to 2 tsp of Licorice Root a day into your diet.  Simply dissolve in water and drink.  Stay away from tinctures and focus on whole herb powder.  Tinctures do not contain the prebiotic fiber needed for good gut health.  Also, look for Chinese licorice root (Glycyrrhiza Uralensis) Which is much more calming.  American licorice root (Glycyrrhiza Glabra) is too stimulating.

3. Siberian Ginseng

Also known as eleuthero root, Siberian ginseng is a tonic herb that helps the body handle stress more efficiently.  One of the biggest reasons adrenal fatigue occurs is because of too much stress! Siberian Ginseng helps build the bodies energy and protects the body against modern day stressors.  It’s also a great athletic booster.  The Russian Olympic team was notorious for using this herb in order to boost stamina and increase athletic performance.  It’s a wonderful tonic herb that has a long track record of restoring balance and adding energy to a depleted body.

Siberian Ginseng

How To Incorporate:

Take 1 to 2 servings throughout the day.  Can be added to water or made into a tea.  It’s a very popular herb and easy to obtain.  Just make sure it’s organic.

4. Meditation

The best form of meditation is one which keeps your mind occupied.  The easiest way to do this is to get outside!  Go for a walk, run, jog, hike or whatever you would like; just make sure it’s outside.  When we walk on the earth we become grounded and this corrects any energy problems that may be occurring in the body.  We were designed to walk the earth and to experience the sounds and sights of nature.  Try to get outside for at least 30 minutes a day with no cellphone, headphones, or electronic devices.  Better yet, walk everyday in a forest in complete silence.  This will help the put the brain and body back in its natural rhythm.

5. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is crucial for the adrenal glands.  Without adequate amounts of vitamin c, the adrenal glands can not manufacture the required hormones needed for day to day activities.  Furthermore, stress depletes vitamin c levels as it’s needed for the production of stress hormones such cortisol.  Stay away from synthetic vitamin c such as ascorbic acid.  This form of synthetic vitamin c will not be utilized properly by the body.  Ascorbic acid has also been shown to lower stomach acid which can lead to mineral and vitamin deficiencies.  You best bet is food based vitamin c such as Camu Camu or Acerola Cherry

How To Incorporate:

Add 1 tsp of food based vitamin c to water and drink.  Do this three times a day.  Make sure to swish the mixture in your mouth in order to add your saliva to the mix.  This will help in digestion and better utilization of the vitamin c.


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