
Silica – Secrets Of Longevity And Anti Aging |The Natural Man

What Is Silica?

Silica is a mineral that is obtained from many of our food sources, and is found most abundantly in grains and vegetables.  In fact, it’s one of the most abundant minerals found in the human body, more so though than iron and calcium.  However, this mineral often gets overlooked and is often trumped by the ever so “important” calcium.  Interestingly, your body needs silica for proper bone growth and density, more so than calcium!  Its also mandatory for skin health, hair growth, and nail growth!


As a food forager, many of the wild plants I eat are extremely high in silica.  One plant in particular that is high in this mineral is horsetail.  Horsetail makes an excellent tea and is chuck full silica.  In fact, one cup of horsetail tea will cover your bodily needs of silica for the day.

Now, I understand that not everyone can go out and harvest horsetail.  However, you can buy horsetail below and get the full benefits of this amazing herb.  I’ve personally been using horsetail for years and swear by this amazing herb.  It makes a very soothing mild tea perfect for anytime of the day.

Frontier Natural Products Organic Horsetail Herb (Shavegrass) Cut and Sifted — 16 oz

Diatomaceous Earth

Another great source of this every so important mineral is food grade diatomaceous earth.  Food grade Diatomaceous Earth is used for a number of different applications.  Its parasite expelling properties make it a great choice during fasts and detoxification of the body.  However, its also great to incorporate into your diet when looking to increase silica content.  In fact, food grade Diatomaceous Earth is 85% silica!  I personally put this super food into my smoothie everyday for both its cleansing properties and silica content.

fossil shells

So, what is Diatomaceous Earth? Its simply the fossil remains of tiny aquatic microorganisms called diatoms.  The skeleton remains of these organisms is made primarily made of silica.  Food grade Diatomaceous Earth is white in color and fine like powder.  This fine powder is actually the ground up skeletons of these microorganisms. I truly believe that this super food has been one of the biggest game changers in my overall diet.  It’s also a great remedy for those experiencing constipation.  A couple of TBSP of this stuff will clear you right out! If your interested in this super food you can buy it below.

Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade 10 Lb

*Important Note: Whenever using Diatomaceous Earth make sure it is FOOD GRADE! Again, make sure it is FOOD GRADE.

More On Silica

Horsetail and Diatomaceous Earth are the two best sources of silica in my book.  However, Bamboo is also a great source of this mineral, more so than horsetail but also a lot more expensive.  Quality Bamboo leaf will cost you around thirty dollars for a 1/2 pound.  This is why I personally prefer Horsetail, but you can make your own decision on the matter. If you want to know how to start incorporating this mineral into your diet, check out my YouTube video HERE .

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