sheer bliss

Sheer Bliss – How Loosing Everything Could Be Your Ticket To Happines

“When I look to leave her, I always stagger back again
Once I built an ivory tower so I could worship from above
When I climbed down to be set free, she took me in again”


Bliss Experienced Through Nature

These lyrics are from none other than Eddie Vedder and his “Into The Wild” soundtrack.  Now, we can discuss how this is one of the most moving and truthful soundtracks of all time, but we would be missing the point.  Nature, The Wild, Mother Earth, The Wilderness whatever you want to call it is calling ALL OF US deep down inside.  Once you experience the sheer bliss that is freedom and love that can be experienced in the wild, you can’t go back to where you came.  In fact, its scientifically proven for all of you individuals who can’t see past man made measurements and laws, that nature produces a chemical in the brain that puts that individual in a state of contentment and in good spirits.

 “Therefore, behold, I will allure her, and bring her into the wilderness, and speak comfortably unto her.” Hosea 2:14

Today’s World And Happiness

The problem with today’s world is that we have fallen so far from where we are truly suppose to be.  Why has it become so difficult to just be your ‘natural self’ in our society?  We are told to fit a particular mold, and if you don’t, they give you another pre-fabricated mold that will leave you just as empty and lost inside as the first one.

It takes courage to step outside the mold of society.  Its easy to to be like everyone else, follow a set of rules, and be told what to do.  However, I’ll be damned if I do any of those things in my life.  There are leaders, and then there are followers.  Deep down we are all leaders and teachers, but have been conditioned in such a way from an early age to be a follower that we have lost that ‘fire’ to learn and think for ourselves.

We chase circles in our life that are meaningless and empty.  What if I told you that you will never be happy until you loose everything. You will never be truly happy until you realize that all those “things” you own are in fact chains wrapped around your ankles.  True happiness can not be reached until you see the foundation in which everything is built.  I’m not going to tell you what my ‘foundation’ is, but I saw it when everything began to be taken from me.  I have since then, rebuilt my tower on a foundation that will never leave me and will withstand the worst of storms.  Layout your foundation, then build.

Anger Experienced From Lack Of “Self”

Learn to harness anger and fear and use it to create something great.  Don’t be afraid to release this fear and anger.  We have been conditioned to show only happiness in this society.  However, the ‘natural self’ experiences many emotions throughout a lifetime.  Each emotion is unique and beautiful in its own way.  How amazing is it that we began to shed drops of water from our eyes when we are overwhelmed with fear or sadness.

Society, however, looks at these emotions as ‘weaknesses.’  We are told to get them under control rather than embrace them.  Unfortunately, over 50 million people in the United States are on some sort of Anti-Depressant.  Still think society is working? I have 50 million standing behind me saying differently .  Learn to harness that fear and anger, learn to use it, let it OUT!  Go to a secluded place that is open and free for sound to travel and just SCREAM.  Let it all out.  Cry at the top of lungs and watch the fear and sadness dissapiate into the unknown…Fear is the number one factor that holds individuals back from being their ‘true self’ and a leader in this world.

“I knew all the rules but the rules did not know me,
Guaranteed” EV – Into The Wild – Guaranteed

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