pine pollen

Pine Pollen: Natures Natural Testosterone And Longevity Booster!

Pine Pollen and Tree in Early Natural Medicine

Pine Pollen has long been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine as a medicine.  In fact, its medicinal uses were first mentioned by a famous Chinese herbalist named Shen Nong in his book “The Pandects of Materia Meedica.”  Likewise, Ayurvedic herbalism and Native American herbalism both used the pine tree for medicinal purposes and incorporated pine products into their medical system.  The Native Americans would even use the inner bark of the pine tree as food and medicine!  However, we are going to focus solely on the pollen part of the pine tree.  Below, is a picture of a pine tree in full bloom with its beneficial pollen:

Pine Pollen

Medicinal Properties and Benefits of Pine Pollen

As mentioned before, the pollen is medicinally active and has been used for centuries in various natural medicine systems.  These herbalist of the various natural medicine systems recognized the power of the pine tree early on. Over time and due to western medicine, the pine tree has been buried behind the shadow of synthetic and harmful medicine.  Unfortunately, many could benefit from this pollen and probably walk past it everyday! Here are the reasons why pine pollen is so beneficial for the human body:

  • Contains 18 of the 20 amino acids; 8 of which are essential for human health
  • Androgenic (promotes anabolic endocrine activity)
  • Powerful antioxidant that protects against free radical damage
  • Contains Vitamins E, A, B1, B2, B6, D2, D3 and Folic Acid
  • Contains minerals potassium, zinc, copper, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, selenium
  • Increases free testosterone in males while correcting DHT and estrogen
  • A powerful aphrodisiac
  • Improves skin health due to is androgenic effect on the body
  • Nourishes the lungs, kidney, liver, heart and spleen
  • Contains a whole host of NATURAL steroid type substances such as androstenedione, testosterone, DHEA and androsterone

Luz Pine Pollen (Cell Cracked)

Pine Pollen

Pine Pollen, Early Herbalist, and Plant Communication

Herbalist of early time recognized all these benefits of pine pollen before science could confirm it.  I believe we have lost a part of our inner self that knows whats “good” and whats “bad.”  Instead, we now look to a medical system and “authorities” to confirm everything by doing bogus tests on mice.

We have lost our self awareness and our ability to identify food.  The biggest empowerment one can have is when they begin to realize that they are literally surrounded by thousands of pounds of food when in the wild. It does not matter if you are in the tropics of Hawaii, or in the upper part of Alaska, nature will provide for you.  Furthermore, all Plants communicate with each other, just like humans and animals.

It is my theory, that when an individual begins to eat “wild food,” he/she is able to communicate better with the environment and able to identify food more easily and readily because that food is now communicating with his/her DNA.  I’ve noticed this phenomenon among many herbalist/food forages; The more wild food you eat, the more easily you will be able to identify food and medicine that is in the wild.

Pine Pollen

Incorporating Pine Pollen into Diet

The best way to take pine pollen is in its raw form or in a tonic/tincture.  If consuming raw, simply pick off the pine tree and consume.  You can also harvest your own pine pollen and store for a later time.  Once harvested, you can make your own tonics or teas or just throw them into smoothies.

Luz Pine Pollen (Cell Cracked)

When making alcohol tinctures, I like to use Honey Wine also known as Mead.  If you are unfamiliar with mead, Click HERE for part 1 and then HERE for part 2 to see my video on how to make it.  I hope you enjoyed this write up and check the video below to learn even more about pine pollen!

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