
Five Easy Ways To Improve Digestion And Gut Health Naturally

Poor digestion is a modern day epidemic.  Millions are suffering from inadequate levels of stomach acid.  The result of low stomach acid is often a decline in health…

Those with low stomach acid levels are at risk of developing digestive problems.  This can lead to poor nutrient absorption and a severe mineral deficiencies.

Unfortunately, millions are eating and living in a way that promotes low stomach acid levels.  Inflammation, fatigue, brain fog, memory loss, skin problems, and cracking joints are all signs of low stomach acid.

Luckily, there are 5 easy and natural steps you can take to ensure you build up your digestive system and increase your stomach acid production.

1) Intermittent Fasting and Digestion

Intermittent Fasting is by far one of the best ways to increase stomach acids naturally.  When we fast, we give our digestive system a much needed break from the onslaught of food we take in.  If you’ve never heard of intermittent fasting, Check out my Video HERE.

Furthermore, when we fast we activate the bodies natural healing process, also known as macrophage (1). This allows not only the digestive tract to heal, but the entire body.  Fasting is by far one of the best practices to incorporate into your life.  You will be rewarded both physically and spiritually when you deny your body of nutrition for a given time period.

It’s also been observed that nutrient uptake (our ability to utilize and absorb nutrients) is highest when coming out of a fast.  This means you will be getting more vitamins and minerals from the food you are eating.  This results in better health.

2) Chew Your Food – No Liquid Diets

Chewing food is a natural and mandatory process that is required of all humans.  The fact that we have teeth for chewing and tearing should be all the evidence you need.

Unfortunately, thousands are being led to believe that smoothies, juicing, and liquid diets are the ticket to good health.  This could not be further from the truth…

It’s a proven fact that when we chew our food we release an enzyme called amylase. This enzyme attaches itself to the food we are chewing and makes its way down to our stomach.  When it reaches our stomach, the stomach acid and enzyme amylase break the food down further (2)(3)(4).

However, when we skip the chewing process (smoothies, juicing, liquid diets) we are no longer producing the beneficial enzyme amylase.  This puts large amounts of stress on the stomach acid to break the food down without the presence of its helper, amylase.  Over time the bodies ability to produce adequate levels of stomach acid will diminish.

Furthermore, we release serotonin every time we chew our food.  Serotonin is a “feel good” neurotransmitter that makes us happy and content with life.  Those who embark on a liquid heavy diet run the risk of depleting this beneficial neurotransmitter.


3) Celtic Sea Salt

REAL salt is a powerful substance that ALL should be utilizing.  Contrary to popular belief, REAL salt is healthy and mandatory for healthy functioning of the human body.

It’s important to note that table salt (NaCl) is pure poison and needs to be avoided at all costs.  However, sea salts and rock salts are one of the most life giving substances on the planet.  These salts contain the necessary electrolytes we need for optimal function.  Electrolyte deficiency is a serious problem in America and is most likely caused by salt restriction.

I personally like Celtic Sea Salt.  Celtic sea salt contains 84 minerals all in perfect balance with each other.  It also contains the most magnesium compared to any other salt.  Magnesium is responsible for over 300 enzymatic processes in the body.  Unfortunately, most are deficient in magnesium.

Lastly, all real salt will force the body to produce more stomach acid.  For this reason, always salt your food to taste and listen to your bodies natural cravings.  Salt cravings is a sign that your body is lacking electrolytes.

4) Raw Apple Cider Vinegar

Raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar is a great way to increase stomach acid levels naturally.  Simply place 1-2 tablespoons in a liter of water and drink throughout the day.  This will naturally increase your stomach acid levels due to the vinegar’s acidic nature.

Raw Apple Cider is also great for dissolving unwanted build ups in the body.  Many begin to see a reduced inflammation and better mobility when taking apple cider vinegar.

Always make sure that it contains ‘the mother’ and is raw.

5) Eat Animal Products

Abstaining from animal products in hopes to achieve better health is not necessary.  In fact, nutrients such as b12, EPA, and DHA are required by the human body.  Unfortunately, these three nutrients are not available on a vegan diet.

With that said, meat keeps our stomach acid levels strong.  The body is forced to produce HCL (Hydrochloric Acid) when meat is consumed (5).

Remember, no one is telling you eat animal products every single meal.  In fact, hunters and gathers never had daily access to meat.  For this reason, I will purposely allow my body to go long periods without meat and then reintroduce it back in. I feel this is more natural and how our ancestors would have eaten.

I really like fish because its a food I feel comfortable harvesting myself.  It’s also a great source of both DHA and EPA.  Two nutrients required for proper nervous system and brain health…


Be sure to share your comments and thoughts below!









1 Comment Posted

  1. Great tips! I really appreciate this balanced article. Although I eat a primarily plant based diet, I do consume small amounts of meat and fish. I think there is danger in the extremes-paleo and veganism or raw veganism.). I am not a scientist or nutritionist but I do know that there are some nutrients that are found only in meat and some that are found only in fruits and vegetables, so I choose to consume both and not too much of either. I think the intermittent fasting is great. I practice it occasionally and it helps me to avoid mindless eating and overconsumption and to actually get the feeling of hunger.

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