essential oils

The Power Of Essential Oils: Scents That Heal And Promote Longevity

edited by: Mark Stapleton


Many folks are already aware of the everyday power of scents and how they remind them of some memorable moments experienced in the past. However, a large number of people are still unaware of the importance these scents can have towards the human body.

Why Essential Oils Should Be In Your Health Cabinet

Interestingly, the benefits of essential oils go well beyond a pleasant smell. These oils which can be directly applied onto the skin, inhaled or even used through a diffuser are generally known to cause reasonable emotional, physical, and mental effects on their users. While helping to bring about significant stress reduction, it’s also good to know that essential oils can help improve sleep, digestion, skin texture, and promote relaxation(1).


A significant number of studies have shown that essential oils can both relieve symptoms of common maladies and enhance long –term health. They can help quell nausea and cravings, improve mood, relieve pain, and lower stress levels (2)(3)(4). Recently, lab studies have demonstrated that these oils can eradicate E. coli, flu, and cancer cells (5)(6)(7)(8).


Three Essential Oils You Should Not Be Without

The potential benefits of essential oils are endless.  Those who take advantage of essential oils and use them regularly know the true power these plant oils have when it comes to healing.  Below are some of the most effective essential oils that can help you heal naturally.



There are very few essential oils that can give such a balanced effect to the body like peppermint can.  Peppermint essential oil is capable of reducing both fatigue and sugar cravings. Research has shown that inhaling peppermint can significantly help in decreasing the levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) in the body (9). Peppermint can increase mental alertness and at the same time, stimulate and purify the mind. A recent clinical research conducted at the University of Cincinnati has found that mental capacity can be significantly increased by 28 percent just by inhaling peppermint oil (10). Peppermint can also help aid indigestion.  A recent study showed that peppermint calms the stomach muscles and improves the flow of bile which in return improves the digestion of fat.  This allows food to pass through the stomach more quickly which effectively rids indigestion (11).


Majestic Pure Peppermint Essential Oil, Premium Quality, 4 fl. oz.



Lavender oil is known to have great versatility. Though it works well on skin irritation, cuts, and bruises, this essential oil is generally known for its relaxing effects. According to a 2013 study, it was found that the scent of lavender alone can promote relaxation due to its ability to trigger the body’s “rest and digest” response (12). Lavender has also been very effective at easing depression, anxiety and agitation (13).


Majestic Pure Lavender Essential Oil, Therapeutic Grade, 4 fl. Oz



This essential oil has proven to be very effective at treating frequent colds and other forms of allergies that affect breathing and cause congestion (14). Eucalyptus can be used to clear sinuses and help relieve sore muscles. This effective essential oil is also known to possess several antibacterial properties.  For those looking to make their own natural shampoo, Eucalyptus makes a great option!


NOW Eucalyptus Essential Oil, 4-Ounce


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