cordyceps mushroom

Cordyceps Mushroom: An Ancient Adaptogen And Three Treasure Tonic

edited by: Mark Stapleton

Cordyceps: The Three Treasure Tonic

Cordyceps can be found in some mountainous regions of China and Tibet. They are typically a fungus that lives on caterpillars in that region. For years, the ancient Chinese harvested Cordyceps and used them as supplements for herbal medicine. They are found to be exceptionally useful in treating illnesses such as respiratory dysfunction, anemia, male sexual dysfunction, kidney & liver problems, persistent cough, chronic bronchitis, irregular heartbeat, ringing in the ears, and to support immune problems such as kidney and liver issues.   Cordyceps are also a form of adaptogen supplement. Adaptogens are herbs that help to increase a person’s resistance to fatigue, stress, anxiety and trauma. Adaptogens are non-toxic, and they usually produce negligible side effects.  Traditional Chinese Medicine classifies Cordyceps as having all three treasures: Qi, Shen, and Jing.

Qi: Inner Fire

Shen: The Spirit

Jing: Vitality

Most adaptogens only nourish one of the three treasures.  Cordyceps, however, nourishes all three!   Since 5000BC, Cordyceps mushroom has been used in the preparation of food, medicine and other spiritual and religious rituals. They have been kept in teas, tonics, soups and all forms of prepared meals and herbal mixtures to assist in promoting health and longevity.


cordyceps mushroom

The Top Five Benefits of Cordyceps Mushroom


  1. Kidney Health

Cordyceps inhibit all forms of renal fibrosis by producing a fibrous scar tissue and destroying the inflammatory pathways that disrupt the kidney from functioning normally.

  1. Adrenal Health

When the adrenal glands become overworked and are unable to perform their normal functions efficiently, cordyceps mushroom can help restore the functions. They are non-toxic and produce a non-specific biological response that contributes to improving the adrenal health.

  1. Hormonal Health

In Asian culture, cordyceps have often been referred to as an aphrodisiac. It can be used to aid a low libido, and it helps to improve the hormone production during sex.   cordyceps mushroom

  1. Diabetes & Blood Sugar Support

Cordyceps Adaptogen contributes to improving insulin secretion by the pancreas. It is a good option in contributing to stabilizing blood-sugar level in the body. It helps to improve the functions of the glucose-regulating enzymes in the liver. Cordyceps Adaptogen also contributes to promoting a gradual absorption of glucose from the digestive system to the bloodstream.

  1. Brain Health

Cordyceps Adaptogen contributes to reducing to inflammatory markers present in the hippocampus of the brain thus offering a very positive benefit on the person’s mood and memory levels. It contributes to ameliorating the decline of a mental function in the brain.

How To Use Cordyceps Mushroom

If you want to use Cordyceps Mushroom, check out Host Defense Cordyceps Capsules. Simply open the caps and brew the mushroom into a tea or simply add it to your cup of coffee or water. You can either use Cordyceps in its pure form or use it with a combination of other herbs to help enhance your energy levels. However, when using it, always remember that less is more. Don’t overdo it!

photo credit: darwin_initiative Bhutan-14-030-Cordyceps-Credit P. Cannon CABI via photopin (license) photo credit: k’allampero MoB_Jan09_1297 via photopin (license)

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