intermittent fasting

Intermittent Fasting: Why Skipping Meals Is Good For You!

Intermittent Fasting Explained

If you’re unaware, intermittent fasting is one of the greatest tools one can utilize when trying to improve overall health. Unlike traditional fasting where an individual abstains from food for days and sometimes even weeks, intermittent fasting is simply abstaining from food for a portion of the day.  Those who practice intermittent fasting usually follow the thirty-three percent rule.  The thirty-three percent rule entails eating all your food in an eight hour window and then abstaining from food for the other sixteen hours of the day. Thus the thirty-three percent rule, eight divided by twenty-four is one-third which is thirty-three percent!

There is scientific evidence that eating this way improves almost all bodily functions.  Many who eat this way will forgo breakfast and eat all their food from 12 pm to 8pm.  This allows for an eight hour feeding window and sixteen hour fasting window.  Research shows that sixteen hours without food provides the greatest benefits.  Liquids and teas are mandatory during the fasting period.  That being said, I have been intermittent fasting before it was even a “fad.” Due to my lifestyle,  I find eating to be more of a nuisance at times.  As a result, I’ve been inadvertently practicing this way of eating for almost eight years now!  It is without a doubt one of the best things you can do for your physical, emotional, and spiritual well being.

Hormonal Balance and Intermittent Fasting

Hormonal dysfunction has reached epidemic levels in the United States.  Over 20 million Americans have some sort of thyroid condition. Furthermore, It has been estimated that out of 324 million United States citizens, 60 percent have a thyroid disorder and are unaware.  Now, thyroid conditions are just one of the many hormonal problems that can be successfully addressed through intermittent fasting.  Many hormonal problems stem from the system being overloaded and overburdened with excess amounts of food.  Lack of key minerals also plays a role in hormonal health.  This is why drinking elixirs and teas during the fasting period is a great idea.  Check out my videos:

Nettle Infusion Mineral Elixir For Health


The Benefits Of Magnesium and Trace Minerals

When we fast, our body goes into rebuilding mode.  This is called “autophagy.”  Autophagy is the bodies response to stress.  When performing an intermittent fasting style of eating our body recognizes the lack of food as a stressor.  Our body then goes into autophagy and begins to create membranes that hunt for dead, diseased, or dying cells.  Once these cells are found by the membranes, they are literally eaten up and converted into usable energy, or made into new cell parts!  All the spiritual book(s) recognized fasting as a powerful tool for self empowerment and regeneration.  Science is just beginning to scratch the surface of what our ancestors knew for centuries.

intermittent fasting

Naturally Increase Human Growth Hormone

For whatever reason, when individuals hear the words “Growth Hormone” they immediately think “drugs” and “bad.”  However, this thinking needs to be reversed.  Our bodies produce Growth Hormone naturally; typically when we sleep.  Growth Hormone is what literally keeps us young.  So stop being afraid of this hormone!  How do you think all the celebrities stay young? You guessed it, Growth Hormone! Don’t be fooled, HGH (Human Growth Hormone) supplementation is most definitely being utilized by many in the “elite” class.  Athletes are to blame for HGH being looked down upon.  However, do you know why athletes even take HGH to begin with?  It allows their body to recover and regenerate at an incredibly and unnaturally fast pace thus allowing them to have a greater work output without getting burned out.  Do not confuse HGH with anabolic steroids, they are very different.

As we age, we begin to naturally produce less and less of this vital youth hormone. Now, there are ways we can naturally increase HGH without the use of the harmful synthetics.   Intermittent fasting is a great tool to naturally increase HGH.  HGH increases dramatically during short periods of fasting.  This is great for those looking to combat aging.  As mentioned before HGH is the youth hormone and individuals should always try to maintain and increase the production of this key hormone.

intermittent fasting

A Powerful Detoxification Tool

The best way to regenerate and detox the body is to stop eating.  It’s so simple but so many people confuse it.  They are always looking at what they can put into their mouth, rather than what they can take out.  Sometimes the best remedy is to literally to do nothing at all!  An immense amount of energy is needed in order to properly digest food.  In a state of fasting, no food is present in the stomach that the body needs to digest.  As a result, it’s able to focus its energy on other bodily processes such as detoxification.  By practicing intermittent fasting, the body can detox the toxins that are encountered on a daily basis.

Increase Longevity and Well Being

It’s a fact that calorie restrictive diets increase lifespan. Fortunately,  It’s easy to restrict calories when intermittent fasting because an eight hour window of eating is all you get.  When extremely nutrient dense foods such as nettles, goji berries, cacao, chia seeds, hemp seeds, coconuts, and adaptogenic herbs are the mainstay of your diet, the body will naturally need less food to sustain itself.  Remember, it’s not the calories you need to feel full, it’s the minerals!  For those interested in improving their diet, check out my eBook: The Stress Free Diet


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