bee products

Bee Products – Longevity Super Foods And A Source Of Vital Minerals

 Bee Products And Longevity

It’s a fact that those who consume bee products live the longest.  Bee Keepers from all around the world almost always exhibit great health and longevity.  For centuries honey and bee products were prized for their healing and health promoting qualities.  In fact, you can live off raw honey as it contains every essential amino acid required for health.  Those who keep bees almost always live into their 90s and some even surpass 100!  So, what makes bee products so superior?

In this post you will learn:

  • The Importance Of Food Having Medicinal Qualities
  • Bee Products As A Source Of Wild Food
  • The Three Best Bee Products For Health And Longevity
  • The Best Sources Of Quality Bee Products

Let Food Be Thy Medicine

Hippocrates coined the famous saying “let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”  However, what does this mean?  Well, to fully understand this quote we must revisit nature and its ways of producing food.  As an avid wild food forager, I can attest that any food found in nature will always have medicinal properties attached to it.  It wasn’t until modern farming and agriculture that man began to breed out many of these medicinal qualities found in wild food.  Below are the list of flavors we should all be attaining through diet:

  • Sweet
  • Salty
  • Bitter
  • Pungent
  • Astringent
  • Sour

The flavors in bold indicate what most people consume too much of in today’s world.  Over consumption of any one of these flavors can lead to health problems.  In fact, very rarely will you ever find sweet fruit growing in nature.  This is why raw honey and bee products were so prized centuries ago.  However, unlike sweet foods found in today’s grocery stores, raw honey and bee products contain medicinal properties that nourish the body.  It’s these medicinal properties that are lacking ever so much in today’s diet.

Bee Products: A Source Of Wild Food

After years of food foraging, I’ve come to understand that individuals are lacking in key nutrients that can only be found in wild foods.  Luckily, bee products can help fill this missing void.  Although Bee products are typically a sweet food, they contain the pollen of various wild flowers.  Remember, there is no such thing as “organic” honey.  Bees are free to roam the vast unknown to various wild flowers pollinating them without human interference.  They then transform this wild pollen into edible medicinal food.

This is why Bee products make an excellent addition to anyone’s diet.  Bee products simply nourish the body on many levels that conventional food can not.  They provide vital amino acids and minerals that no other food can compare to by weight.  All ancient cultures knew of the healing properties contained in raw honey.  It was a super food that many people of the past risked their lives for just to attain.  Before there were bee keepers, ancient cultures would make voyages to wild hives in hopes to successfully obtain this liquid gold.  These voyages were often dangerous and death among a tribes member was not uncommon.


The Three Best Bee Products For Health And Longevity

Royal Jelly

Royal Jelly is the king of all bee products.  Athletes and health enthusiasts often consume royal jelly for its athletic boosting and adaptogenic properties.  In fact, the famous martial artists Bruce Lee was well known for consuming copious amounts of Royal Jelly.  However, Royal Jelly has been consumed for centuries and was often reserved for royalty due to its health promoting and longevity enhancing properties.

If your unaware, Royal Jelly is the honey secreted by worker bees that is intended to feed larvae and the queen.  A healthy hive will produce about 500 g or about 1 pound of Royal Jelly.  Furthermore, unlike ordinary raw honey, Royal Jelly contains a particular protein called royalactin.  Royalactin contains numerous growth factors that help turn larvae into queens.  This protein is why athletes and health enthusiasts pay big bucks for quality Royal Jelly.  Many swear they regenerate faster, feel stronger and have an overall sense of well being when consuming Royal Jelly.  If you can afford it, Royal Jelly can make a great addition to any diet.

Raw Honey

It’s important to understand the difference between “raw honey” and “pasteurized honey.”  Raw honey contains beneficial live enzymes and a full spectrum of trace minerals still fully intact.  Pasteurization kills beneficial enzymes and destroys many trace minerals that are beneficial for the human body.  For this reason, only raw honey should ever be consumed.

Raw honey contains over 80 different substances that are needed for human health.  It contains all the B vitamins that are essential for good health.  It also contains trace minerals such as magnesium, phosphorous, sulfur, potassium, iodine, and copper.  As mentioned before, raw honey contains live enzymes that help assist in the digestion and utilization of these important nutrients.   These enzymes also help repair the gut wall and foster radiant health.

Bee Pollen

Bee pollen is the least talked about bee product but should not be overlooked.  Those suffering from adrenal fatigue and adrenal dysfunction could benefit tremendously by incorporating bee pollen into their diet.  This is because bee pollen is loaded full vitamin b5 or Pantothenic Acid.  Pantothenic Acid is the vitamin that keeps the adrenals working properly.  Bee pollen is one of the highest sources of this ever so important vitamin.

Also, like royal jelly and raw honey, bee pollen has a whole host of b vitamins and trace minerals.  It’s also a raw product so it too will have beneficial enzymes that aid in digestion and overall good health.  Bee pollen if often used to treat allergies as well as fatigue.  However, due to its high mineral content, Bee pollen can be used as a whole food supplement to re-introduce vital vitamins and minerals back into the diet.  If you’re new to bee pollen, it’s important to take a small amount at first to make sure you are not allergic.  You can do this by holding a small amount in your mouth for 20 minutes.  If no adverse reaction takes place, you know bee pollen works with your body.

The Best Source Of Bee Products

Choosing quality bee products can be challenging.  We must understand that if hives are kept next to GMO crops or in an area that sprays chemicals heavily, the bee product will have a high likely hood of being contaminated.  For this reason, it’s always smart to research the company beforehand.


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